Recommended Products

We only recommend products to you that we know, like, and have used. We may receive a commission if you purchase using any of these links.

Thorne has all your supplement needs!

*Please note that we are not registered dietitians or certified in nutrition. We do not recommend that you take any particular supplements or that you take any supplements at all. Please talk with a qualified practitioner to determine whether you might benefit from any supplements.


When you check out at TRX, enter the discount code TRX15RF for a discount!


We are an authorized Medi-Dyne reseller! If you'd like to order a Medi-Dyne product, please tell Lianna or email We'll put in the order for you.

Lianna’s Favorite Sports Bra

This one is not an affiliate code and we have no official connection to this website or bra company. Lianna just gets asked a lot what her favorite sports bra is, so we wanted to share. This sports bra is both very supportive and very comfortable.